# Английский язык

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Статья содержит список фразеологизмов английского языка, связанных с частями тела, таких как голова, руки, ноги и сердце. Каждый фразеологизм сопровождается переводом на русский язык и кратким пояснением значения. Некоторые из фразеологизмов включают 'To have a finger in every pie', 'To be on one's toes', 'To set one's heart on smth.', 'To give a hand', 'To be all ears', 'To have ones' head in the clouds', 'To put one's feet up', 'To catch smb's eye', 'To bite one's tongue', 'To be down in the mouth', 'To keep one's fingers crossed', 'To be tearing one's hair out', 'To rack one's brain', 'To put smb's mind at rest', 'To break smb's heart', 'To fall head over heels in love', 'To keep one's head above the water', 'To see eye to eye', 'To do smth. to one's heart content', 'To play smth by ear', 'To put one's foot in it', 'To get out of hand', 'To pay through the nose', 'To feel one's heart sink', 'To keep one's ear to the ground', 'To turn one's nose up at smth.', 'To say smth. tongue-in-cheek', 'To be banging one's head against a brick wall', 'To cast one's eye over smth.', 'To not put a foot wrong'.

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